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Sep 5, 20185 min read
Adventure Time: A Last Goodbye
Adventure Time: A Last Goodbye The finale of Adventure Time was a bittersweet pill to swallow. For a long-term fan, it marked the end...
Aug 19, 20182 min read
An Open Letter to Salad
An Open Letter to Salad Dear Salad, Why do you feel the need to permeate every restaurant meal? Why do you wait beside my steaks when...
May 29, 20189 min read
The Identity Myth: National Identity in a Changing World
The Identity Myth: National Identity in a Changing World National identity does not exist. It is an abstract concept; a myth, the same as...
May 19, 20183 min read
Coffee Conversations: Nice Day for a Royal Wedding
Coffee Conversations: Nice Day for a Royal Wedding Coffee Conversations is a segment that talks about things usually overheard in quieter...
May 5, 20183 min read
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Date Co-Workers
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Date Co-Workers There she is, the Mistress of Human Resources, the Madame of the Corner Desk. She’s so...
Apr 23, 20184 min read
Coffee Conversations: Why Can't Classics Be Sexy?
Coffee Conversations: Why Can’t Classics be Sexy? Coffee Conversations is a new segment that talks about things usually overheard in...
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